

The killer next door
I want to rip out your spine
and desicate your corpse
obliterate your consciousness
and terminate you with force

Am I psychotic, homicidal
with a murderous intent
was I twisted or turned
till my psyche was bent

Nothing matters anymore
there's no pleasure and no pain
when I act on my urges
they'll all say I'm insane

To those I dismember
embowel and deface
you'll feel all my hatred
and fear my embrace

You see me and smile
I'm the neighbor next door
but to me you're a victim
a bitch and a whore

I'll stalk you in silence
you'll be unaware
as I plan for your death
while I'm stroking your hair

Mother abandoned me
father beat me all day
for their indifference and cruelty
it's you who will pay

As I think of you dying
bleeding out on the floor
my cock gets so hard
I can't take anymore

So it's into the night
with my knife and my gun
just a guy with some issues
who's just looking for fun

#terror #fear #suspense

© Dick Strong