

We're in the same town yet I still wonder where you are
In this town where streets entwine,
Your presence lingers undefined.
We share the same urban ground,
Yet in your absence, I myself am bound.
Buildings rise, voices blend,
But where do you wander, I can't comprehend.

Through bustling crowds, I search in vain,
For the one I long to meet again
Our paths may cross, or they may not,
In this labyrinthine, we call our urban plot.
A city of millions, limitless and grand,
Yet it feels empty without your hand.

Do you walk beneath the city lights,
Or hide in shadows, out of sight?
Do you hear the same city sounds,
As I roam these streets, lost and unbound?
Though we breathe the same city air,
Distance lingers with heavy despair.
We're in one same town, yet I still wonder where you are.