

silent symphony
In the hush of twilight's embrace,
Where whispers linger in the air,
The world slows to a gentle pace,
And silence weaves its subtle flair.
A symphony of stars above,
Paints the night with cosmic hues,
Each twinkling light a tale of love,
Echoes of forgotten blues.
The moon, a silent sentinel,
Watches o'er the dreaming earth,
Casting shadows, soft and gentle,
Where memories find their rebirth.
In stillness, hearts begin to sing,
A melody of hopes and fears,
Where quietude can softly bring
Solace for the soul's frontiers.
Amidst the calm, a whispered prayer,
For peace to reign in every heart,
In the silence, we find we share
A bond that time cannot depart.
Thus, in this silent symphony,
Where words dissolve and thoughts align,
We find the essence of harmony,
In whispers of the divine.