

Sacrifice of today for a better tomorrow
With everything that life has to offer,
There's so much to be enjoyed,
But the pleasures of sleeplessness I suffer,
Is the one I cannot avoid. sleeplessness
is a boon who create when their companions slept they were toiling to
their best they sacrifice their rest to give
the world the best to cherish forever
when they take ultimate rest they keep
themselves unnerved by chaos and unrest to be aloof to think upon and create the best they are careless with
themselves but careful for the rest think
for common good prick upon evils that
plague the rest from fantasy to reality
all comes in their purview fantasy to
entertain and reality to realise the pain
they only try to balm and soothe the pain moreover to ameliorate the conditions that gave rise to pain their
role lies to act as a empathic companion
in others pain think for others is their
dictum unrestrained for that only they toil restless even if in own pain night
maybe a boon for sleep but for some
is a boon to think plan and realise their
dream that may benefit the rest sacrifice
their rest to ameliorate unrest of the rest they sacrifice their present for the
future of rest.
© Pegasus 999