

'I am a man of my word
And king of the world
Who is she to question my authority
Why is she demeaning my personality

All I asked my wife is to give her finances
So that I take care of all our expenses
All she had to is tend to kids
Cook, clean and meet child's needs

Of course she is a financial advisor
And i am a University Professor
Nevertheless what her profession is
She must behave the wife she is'

The man is heard by his wise friend
Who listened patiently till the end
Oh my foolish friend! Let me remind your wedding vow
When I was your bestman then and best friend now

What are the promises you made her, do you even remember
When you are in neck deep debts , she earned for you out of love
If you are true man that you claim you are, ask your ego to surrender
If not,then I would understand that you have fallen out of love?

His friend left the man to hover in his own thoughts
Meanwhile, the wife started questioning her own life choices

© Womanofwords