

Untitled 5
I am the person
who prefers watching videos alone
than to join social events;

I am the person
who will nonchalantly walk around the mall
but be embarrassed when in a resort;

I am the person
who enjoys making arts and poems
than to interact with anyone outside;

I am the person
who will choose to be alone
than to ask for someone to talk to;

I am the person
who can respect your decision
but can not respect mine

I am the person
who has her own preferences
but can not stand others who can not understand mine

I am the person
who can be joked around
but pretend to enjoy even when I don't like it anymore

I am the person
who wants to talk to someone
who has a few people to ask for company
who was given opportunities to take

but doesn't take any chances
for I prefer to not be understood
than to be misunderstood.

I am a person...

I am one of those people
who needs help
but won't ever ask for it.

Sensitive as I may
that is what drives me away
from chances to take
chances to help me heal myself
and yet,
I chose to continue destroying me
as long as I do not hear words like
"I don't understand,"
or silence with no closure.

© reyelm