

Ink and Bullets
In shadows deep, where secrets hide,
A chance encounter did collide.
A writer lost, a don's disguise,
Their worlds entwined 'neath moonlit skies.

She penned her tales with ink and grace,
He ruled the night, a silent face.
Yet in their hearts, a longing stirred,
A love that bloomed, though fate deterred.

Through whispered words and stolen glances,
They found a bond that took no chances.
For in each other, they found solace,
A love so pure, no worldly malice.

Though worlds apart in life's cruel dance,
Their love endured, a timeless romance.
For in the quiet of their hearts' refrain,
Their love transcended fear and pain.

So let their story softly fade,
In whispered secrets, love was made.
A mafia don and an author true,
Bound by love, forever anew.
© _CB_Ryuu_