

The Gift of Life and Love
Lush, green meadows,
Brimming with fragrant flowers,
Borderlands to joy,
Pathways to success,
In the companionship of,
Family and friends...

A place,
Where dreams are nurtured,

And hopes,
Are never dimmed,

Where laughter,
Fills the air,

And sorrows,
Are forgiven,

Where love,
Is the guiding light,

And peace,
Is the common goal,

This is the paradise,
We seek,

The home,
Of our soul.

But sometimes storms,
May come,

And clouds,
May block the sun,

And we may lose,
Our way,

And feel,
That we are done,

But we are not alone,
We have each other's hand,

And we can face the challenge,
Together we can stand.

And when the storm,
Is over,

And the sun,
Is shining bright,

We will see the rainbow,
A symbol of our might,

We will cherish,
what we have,

And thank the one,

For giving us this gift,
The gift of life and love.

© Catherine S. Pariño. 2023. All Rights Reserved