

An illusion created by me.
When I saw you I thought you'll be the sunshine of my life
With a kind gesture you came to me
The moment you came I just started to see our future together
The future where we will shine, the future where we will travel the world with passion and compassion
And with a bright smile and love, with the hope that we will find love together

But all the dreams have come to end today when I saw you broken and distorted,
You lost the will to live and I seem to lost you
We were so happy what have happened in the mean time that you changed so much
I think someone has cursed our life and far sight
We seem to have lost the track or maybe the time
Why are we losing confidence and forgetting the beautiful dance of life
I want you back, our happy memories.
When will my friend you will come to me again, with the smile.
I will be waiting for you to return until I broke my vision.
© rose