

What is Love?
When we get closer, you indite so elaborately,
Regarded as means of expression,
Worth more than love in reality,
A combination of visible and meaningful impressions
that can easily catch anyone towards it..
when two people meet it is called a meeting
but when two souls meet it's called the purest form of love!!
where there is only love nothing else.
just two people loving each other unconditionally without expecting anything..
when you love someone you find happiness when they are happy even if it is without you..
you just want to make them feel worthy & loved
whatever it takes you can do anything for that...
love is understanding each other even at the hardest time..
love is the most powerful emotion that can never be judged through anything. it can be expressed by words but it takes someone to understand the depth of the words.!!

© Swati Shrivastava