

" Lost City of my Dream "

To explore my fresh journey of education
And came to the city of dreams
Where I had a vision to have a gracious
And big ambition.
I was awfully alone with unknown ones,
None had my well-wishers in blue city of
I was but a sorry boy and had no idea about
Where should I go. I came to my distant relatives of my Village,
Who were very oily tongue,
And some an axe to grind.
The wife of owner tortured me,
Nothing she gave me but taunts,
But I was self centred and focused on getting My education nothing but education.
I was much impressed by the president of
United States of America Brooker T Washington and Abraham Lincoln
Who struggled for education.
I, therefore, didn't discourage
But more than before became more stronger than ever before.
So I, at any rate, didn't want to loss
My identity in the blue city of my dreams,
Education for me was everything
Even though more than Almighty,
Because This is the best invention of
Men of the past and philosopher.
I'm now satisfied with my academic background,
One thing I'm to tell that
We may loss in the cities but never loss
The fine track of education and of dreams

Gautam Hritu

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