

i'm not patient
Don't let me lie,
unless it's next to you,
cause my delusions will become my home.

If you care as you swear,
you will be here
when I wake up in the morning.

Love me or leave,
I've been hurt before,
so whatever you do, I'll be fine.

My feelings don't matter,
you do what you deem
fit for this puzzle called us

but if you were to hear me,
I'd wish you'd stay,
who else would pull me back in?

Pathological liar,
but that is just how I cope
with everything that I can't face.

It's never been an issue,
until you came into picture
you're better than my lies combined.

Sweet as honey,
sticky like it too,
it'll be years until I'm clean of you.

You know I'm not patient,
at least anymore,
and I like it outside those walls.

Love me or leave me,
but don't make me wait
that's the one thing that I can't stand,

cause I had waited
all my life
to be loved
like you do.
© mogsart