

Don't give in yet
The truth machine is vibrating
You ain't lying
You've been pulling our leg
Hanging your truth with peg
But don't curse your being
Because lie is lipping

Your fears have been popping
The songs were interesting
Decoded with calmness
Addressed to her highness
Pampered with glory
But I am sorry.

The echoes of your heart ache,
Are sharp nipping my feelings,
But still can't let you drown,
In the depend of frustrations
I'm not taking an advantage
But hating yourself only devastates
Not only you
But everyone around you.

Adhere with me,
Telling you to persevere,
For it is only in pretence
That we succeed in deceit
Deceiving ourselves that we are not enough
When deep down we are tough
You are worth a ride
A ride of castigating selfish pride

All I see,
Is a yacht floating in the sea,
A mountain,
The source of fountain
Filled with synergy
A girl who is fragile
Ready to compile.
© kogi(uncleblacky)