

Mirrored Awakening...

Staring at the mirror at
the reflection I see,
There is a stranger that looks
exactly like me,
I started talking to her,
Trying to find out what made
her this way,
So here is what that girl had to say

I have been broken, bruised,
shattered and left bare,
As you can see, there is no trace of the smile I used to wear,
My eyes are the same color they
have always been,
But if you look closely into them,
They reflect the pain and tears
that nobody else has seen

My shoulders are alittle more hunched
from carrying the weight of the world
day after day,
My frown lines are deeper from over thinking about the things other would do to me or say,
My face is a cold mask from pretending
that I am fine,
My lips are now fixed in a straight line,
I am still you, I will always be,
I'm just not the you, you remember,
I am me

I sat there taking in everything she said,
I couldn't cry,
Like always I kept it inside instead,
I looked one last time at the reflection in front of me,
The strange girl with the ice cold stare that I have come to be,
I have never felt more lost and alone than I did today,
Because even my reflection reminded me
just how broken I was in every way.
© Lolla Smith