

Dear you, me and a cup of Tea
Dear you, me and a cup of hot tea

Let your delicious soul be free.

I really like pouring your tea, lifting the pot and tapping it up,

So that the fragrant liquid stream into your China cup.

I can see as you sip, the half smile of you lips

It's a wonderful drink, the more you have the more you think

Sugar and some milk, gazing all the time without a blink

You, me and a cup of hot tea..

Please take a cup and add a cheerful spirit

And of course a heart that sings, and also the ability to laugh at the little things.

Jasmine, Gunpowder, Assam and Ceylon. I like tea's name. It's totally for the leaf's enormous fame.

Which tea would you Like? Please say.

But it's any tea, for you, please, any time of day!