

just a wish,to wish
no poem included,

hi,I know you are not reading this,but still am writing...

i don't know how many time I can win from time,but untill I will not let your thought end in my mind,

The new year is coming soon,I wish you a happy new year.
Shree Ram grant your all wishes,and I want a wish that my thoughts never ends for you,but I hope you might forgot me soon....
it's a long life and I don't want these things to stay in your life.

I don't want everything to get corrected because I just love the feeling that how much I love you, despite you are not with me.

this feeling is literally different and I guess it is a different feeling,i can't call it sacrifice but it's something I can't explain.

hope the moon light makes you more beautiful and the sun make you more bright.
but I can't see you na,so it's just something I can't say about.
do you know,mt eyes didn't get wet much I literally feel like you will come one day..
but still I don't want that day to come,,,this is a life long wait from my side..might I had left you alone in my previous life ,, actually I don't know about that .

hope to have a happy ahead years and a happy new year.
remember me once seeing the moon on new year,I want some tears to come on that day...

you are mine ,and I am yours for always.
let us meet in the other world, where we will marry each other and have some babies....

leave it all, nonsense...
happy new year ....again,in advance

© SevenDreamInANight