

Love is not a attraction or pleasure
Love is a beautiful feeling a strong emotion

Love is not about marring a beautiful sexy looking girl...
Love is accepting every phase after marriage a women goes through...

Love doesn't decreases day by day with a person changes
Love is unconditional.... It increases at every phase during pregnancy, or mood swings,or it can be harmonal changes, etc

Love is not turning to other person when your women is on periods or pregnancy days....
Love is not hating her if she has gained some weight carrying your baby in her stomach.....
Love is not quanting her day and night and hating her because she is going through pcod or thyroid related problem....

Love comes with responsibility, with acceptance whatever situation it may be you will make her strong help her to come out of that time....

*Preeti Vidhani*
*Preeti Makhija*
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