

Let Them Be
Sometime some people take time
To open up, to talk,to share,to trust
They are like an opaque glass box which
Hasn't been opened in years
The key might be missing
Or the lock might be rusted
The hinges could be jammed
Or there could be something blocking it
If you try to open in haste
Your all efforts might go to waste
The glass itself might break
With broken shards of pieces
filling the inside
Cutting and bruising it
And though you might get to know
What is stored inside
But there could be damages and
There could be lots of pain
The wound created by the shards
Might never heal
And then some boxes are like Pandora's
Better never to be opened
Sometimes you need to just let it be
Or just go with the flow
Let time answer your questions
Or may be if you wait enough
You could just find the key

© agypsysoul

#thoughtsofagypsysoul #kuchkahikuchankahi