

The Storm
You never know when a storm brews in
The utter silence is a reminder that something scary is emerging.
Hark! The storm has raged
Run for your life, else you will be gobbled in.
You say, you can challenge the storm?
It has never happened, and never be one.
Oh listen, the breaking of things- trees tremble
hearts crying .

But, the devastation is far and wide
and the time for many is to sleep inside.
Let our happiness not be marred , they say
Let them pay, for it is their day.
Break, break, listen it's all breaking
Oh, the sound is so deafening.
The moon cried, the dogs howled
the poor begged for some mercy to be shown.
No, no, that cannot be, they say
you are sure to suffer still.

The storm brought with it the rain
the broken hearts cried in pain.
The new morn welcomed the new sun
All broken things- the hearts and the trees were swept aside.
Still,in the rubble , the broken hearts tremble and tear
How many more moons the storm will rage?, they fear.

Prasupta Roy