

The Ultimate Trial #triggerwarning
There's a ringing in my ears
And so much pain in my teeth
I'm so beyond exhausted
But still can't sleep

I'm on the down side
Of a very long four days
My thoughts are still rapid
But my body will only lay

Trying so hard to numb it all
The truth of my existing life
Numbing myself doesn't help though
When it makes everyone see that side

All except for me
When im just trying to feel free
But can they actually see
What it is I do see
That trapped is all I'll ever be

Sitting in my head for hours on hours
Cause my body wont allow much else
No food no sleep no energy
Just me...chilling in hell

Where the dark thoughts dont stop
Playing sick twisted tricks
Convincing me I'm hopeless
Cause I'm laying here meth sick

I'm still full of the chemical
It'll be days before I run empty
The thoughts will slow down then
But remain just as ugly

'Suicide is the only answer' cause
I can't do nothing but cry eat and sleep
That's the reality of what it's like
When the trap house is the only place ya wanna be

Feeling like it's the only place you're truly free
But in reality it's the cage that you can't see
And only on this side does it become clear