

The G.N.O.M.E. Wars (A Short Excerpt)
It had no concept of love, pleasure, excitement or want. It had never seen a human being before tonight,, let alone a set of human genitals. Thus, when it crashed through the door of Terri and Tom Stopcocks bedroom, landing splayed across two human bodies engaged in copulation, it continued on with it's primary functions of eating and killing. This was most unfortunate for the young couple, but at least it would be the last misfortune they would ever experience. Gnomes many times mimicked their victims actions at the time of attack and this 3 foot long slug shaped gnome really got into the swing. Tt quickly engulfed Tom's naked body leaving only the penis and scrotum exposed. As Terri lay screaming, pinned down by the weight of the slug gnome and her soon to be deceased husband, she watched in horror as the gnome began to dissolve her husband's flesh very efficiently and very uniformly as his terrified, contorted face and bulging eyeballs, moved in and out only inches from her face. mouth wide open gasping for air only to be filled with corrosive gel. She thought it odd that her husband ejaculated as his abdominal cavity spilled its contents into the slugs clear gel interior. Unfortunately for her, it wasn't her husband's semen that filled her. The slug gel had found its way into Toms pelvis, melting into the bladder and flowing through his urethra as his penis melted like a popsicle on a hot July day in Saint Louis. The slug load melted through the vagina, into the rectum and out of the rectum onto the bed which quickly formed a hole in the mattres and the wood floor below it. The outside of her body collapsed into itself like the crust of a pot pie falling into its contents. just as well as it provided a wonderful reservoir for the remains of her dessicated husband. They were now truly together in a way they never could have dreamed of.