

Venomous centipedes
Crawling through my veins
Stinging and causing pain
My life blood now tainted
Life is overrated
One series of mishaps
And happenstance
Derails the train
Lost and alone
Now on my own
Destination unknown
There is no one
Everyone has left me to die
I want to cry
They took my family away
On the express train
Leaving me on the busted one
Standing in the rain
Calling their name
Blood trickling down
"Dirty and unworthy"
They label, and judge me
The system played me wrong
When it's the badges that belong
Locked away
They're not all saints
They don't all care
Some wrongfully and harmfully
Tear apart families
Leaving them in despair
Who in this world, actually cares?!
© JoyWhitsonBell