

Take courage, lose not faith

#Christ'sletters#Letter 9 – Continued

At the same time as my goal, in coming to you by means of these Letters, was to show you the way to live in harmony with the Laws of Existence, to help you avoid unnecessary suffering, limitations and deprivations , caused by your ignorance of the Laws, I would also like imprint on your consciousness that everyone is subject to rhythms in their lives. Everyone goes through good times when an influx of blessings brings you all the things you want and you are at the peak of human happiness and success.
You rejoice!
Then comes a time when, suddenly, the rhythm of life changes, resources dry up, relationships become difficult and precarious, your career goes downhill, or obstacles arise that plunge you into the doldrums for a long time. You might wonder what mistake you made. Once you worked very successfully within the LAWS of EXISTENCE and now there are daily problems and nothing you think or do really relieves the stress of your daily life.

When – if – these moments happen to you, – be calm and at peace in your heart and your mind – and know that it is still from the Divine Consciousness that you draw your life and your orientation, despite contrary appearances, despite your superficial torments. In these moments, it is essential to step back and take inventory of the ways in which you may have slipped into consciousness during your "high" moments - and strengthen your dependence on Divine Consciousness.

Without these dark periods of depression, you would not grow in spiritual stature. They deliver a special message to you; so do not let yourself sink into despair or bitterness. Although you may feel fragile, it is your winter season of self-discovery and inner renewal that will ultimately prove to be an even greater blessing than your “good times” were. Take courage and don't lose faith. Wait patiently until winter gives way again to your spiritual spring.

Persevere by relaxing and confidently waiting for the moment when Divine Life will flow again into your mind, heart and earthly life and all that you hoped for will begin to manifest in your life. And all the while, realize and hold on to the fact that if you are no longer aware of the influx of Divine Consciousness during your meditations, it is not because you have been abandoned, but because your cosmic vibrations – and therefore your vibrations ofpersonal consciousness – are at low tide and you are no longer able to rise to experience the vibrations of Divine Consciousness as you did before. Although you may not feel them, rest assured that you are still enveloped in them and in DIVINE LOVE.
© Universalconsciousness963