

Monster Inside Me
In the mirror, I see blank eyes.
The monster inside me,
a demon, a shade on fire, I burn all that I touch.
Bitterness, rage, loneliness, regret,
it chokes me when my deeds are done, yet
I will never be sated. Not truly.
The monster inside me
pulled my shade back from the Styx
to throw stones of scorn
as Charon's Ferry drags me to Hades’ Throne.
My need for love is never satisfied because
the monster inside me
feeds on hate, suffering, and shame.
Jealousy, envy, rage so white hot,
blinding me to certain truths.
I can't take the heat.
The monster inside me
dwells in my deepest heart, trapped
in Tartarus’ Cage, lying in wait, seething.
If music could soothe my savage beast,
the monster inside me
could lie down to sleep once more.

#writco #poem #poet #poetry #demons #mentalhealth #inspirational #healing

© LaKeisha Hart