

We are Legendary ❣️
Women, oh women
What a mystery we are
With secrets hidden deep that only we can see
From the pain of the monthly 5days experience to the beauty of the womb
We are the maker of life and the nurturer of the room.
In the face of adversity, we are warriors.
We move forward with grace and strength.
We handle everything with poise and a smile
From childhood dreams to adult responsibilities
We are nurturers, caregivers, and teachers.
Our love is limitless, and our patience never runs out.
We are the glue that holds everything together.
Our wisdom and counsel will be remembered forever.
The world may judge us and label us as ineffective. But they can't see the fire that's burning inside our cheek
We are the foundation and the pillar
We are Queens.
So I will celebrate us today and every day.
For we are legendary in every way
From the agony of menstruation to the joy of motherhood.
We are the epitome of strength and beauty
We are the embodiment of goodness.
We should be respected for the things we bare to be what we are today.
© mahrylove