

Corona & man importance!
The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,
All the nears and dears,
now isolated for care,
leaving the streets empty,
spreading in the surroundings,the hush & fear,
outside there's nothing else but blows the loo,
that with itself brings a clue,
some deadly pathogen within me and that's true,
you really dying to see those people,
who happen to be near you,
and understood you deeper,
now you do everything but can't see your loved ones,
you now realise all that u never bothered once,
precious are relations, precious are people,
precious are gathering, precious are those hugs,
precious are the friends with time you did spend,
you urge now to back to trend,
you realized meaningless are materials,
meaningless are luxuries, meaningless is opulence,
what human to human gives is the real comfort.