

Letter to you...Maybe
Maybe you should forgive yourself ,
For that part of your journey you still call mistake when you tug them inlate at night on your bad days ,
Thinking to yourself "I could have done better ",
Maybe that was better, those ones you name as "mistakes" .

Maybe you still need to have a conversation with yourself ,
Maybe no-one is really chasing,
Maybe you are chasing yourself.
When you waste your 'yez! is going better' times Thinking of ' what could go wrong' times that hasn't showed up yet

Maybe you don't need a miracle ,
Maybe you are the miracle ,
Anointing is hard to detect if not put to work,
Maybe you need to put in a little work to start the charm,
Maybe you should know your worth from other,
but maybe you should know your worth from yourself,

settle your mind,
Guard your heart,
The Fuck is wrong with you?!!
Lord forgive me,

Embrace less if it makes you feel joy,
Struggle for more if your heart seeks for more,
Everyone and where their journey of contentment comes to a halt ,
You are never less when your choice is less,
Just make sure that the heart is content,
But when the tiny voice call out a blink of success,run towards it,

Don't try to cheat your Lord,
or your soul, or the one in the mirror
but maybe you do need to hear this
"...Because really no is perfect and no one actually anticipates that but we all have that ability to become the best version of our selves." (Abdul-Somad)
An advice from a good friend,
Maybe you should consider it

thanks for reading