


This melancholic rain of thoughts,
A slight tremor in the heart,
Restlessness in the eyes,
The drizzle of love's rain,
The passing nights,
Arguments of blinking eyelids,
Under the grasp of overthinking,
Now feeling restless and impatient,
When we were alone in the nights,
We used to think of something special,
But now, lost in constant thoughts,
We have become worried and sad,
Even the days have turned into nights,
We think more than ourselves,
Getting entangled in every matter,
Thoughts flow in the mind,
We keep thinking something always,
Lonely in every moment of life,
And lost in these thoughts,
Thinking so far ahead,
We let ourselves suffer,
We hold worry and contemplation so tightly,
That we forget the difference between both,
Many times contemplation becomes worry,
And many times we contemplate worries,
We have passed through many seasons,
Thinking and thinking,
But the end of thinking,
Never arrived,
That tomorrow is still the same today,
Where it was yesterday,
And we keep sinking,
In the depths of these thoughts,
Believe me, in the battle of overthinking,
We keep losing to ourselves,
All of this is futile,
We must think once,
Because what happens is for the best,
We just need to understand,
To put an end to this thinking,
We have to live life,
Leave behind the chain of thoughts..

💌Msg forTo my fellow overthinkers :-

You're not alone in the maze of thoughts. I understand the swirling storms in your mind, the endless questions, and the self-doubt that follows. But remember,you possess incredible strength within you.
Embrace the power of mindfulness, learn to let go of what you cannot control.
Above all, remember that you are worthy of love, happiness, and inner peace.
I was/am also an overthinker, and I understand these emotions very well. I have written down what I have personally felt.

With warmth and understanding,
© mysticalblaze99
#lifestyle #overthinking #Feelings #thoughts