

I rise from the mud cleansed
By the words of distain engraved
In my body dripping with anguish
As the veil falls upon me opening
The lost connection between
Me and my soul bringing to light
The shadows shaded by the
Kindness in my heart torched
By the entities of jealously
Hidden between the curves
Within my fractured smile

I search within my personality
For the leak of compassion that
Blinds my judgement forcing me
To take knives to my emotions
Salting the air with tears of
Self hatred filled with the laughs
Of succubuses hell bent on
Causing misery to my mental
Health puncturing and bleeding
Any thoughts of self-care
Drowning me in a vat of selfish
Intentions turning the blame
On my willingness to hydrate
Dry situations with positive
Energy and brighten the
Brooding mentality of somber

I stand firm as I'm showered
With critical critiques feeling
The ink boil within my veins
As I dissect inconsiderate
Expressions and burn them in
The face of false advertisement
Inhaling the ashes using the
Smoke to rise above the
Immaturity fixing my eyes on
The truth sewn into the fabric
Of reality while listening to
Whispers of relevancy feeling
The sanitized energy wrap
Around me as the veil melts
Into my skin exposing a level
Of strength that surfaces within
The neon glow of my freshly
Painted eyes
© 2023