

Mom’s little girl!
once i was too little,
I was your fairy,
now, I am grown up,
you are my angel,
my beauty queen!
oh, my living goddess!
in the form of ,
A Lovely mother,
Always a daughter’s favourite,
And her everything!
Always she need her mom,
for all her needs,
her only priority is she!
Mom, you are my breathe,
who gave me the first breathe,
the one,
who gave me my first heart beat,
who gave me my first feed,
who gave me my first hug,
who gave me my first kiss,
who gave me my first love,
who gave me her womb to live,
who gave me her everything,
To whom we all have debts,
That cannot be paid back,
you are,
Majesty Of My world !

© DeviSathya