

The Bonsai Tree 🌳
(Let the Love in You BLOOM!)
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You have to Bloom where you are planted.
Let the Love in you Bloom where you are planted.
Once you are planted,
it is your duty to become a tree-a Bonsai tree.
A Bonsai tree which can be uprooted along with the roots and transplanted
at a place where it
has to give shade of mercy & compassion and sharing of fruits of love with others.
For this the plant which becomes the tree
has to cover its journey
in detachment-
totally detached from the earth from which it prospers.
For this the Tree should
have its roots
firmly held in the
Light of the Supreme Soul!
Once the Rooting & Uprooting goes on
The Pruning of Vices, Shedding of Leaves of Attachment & Growth of Flowers of Virtues
reach its Zenith-
The Bonsai Tree gets transformed into the Karptaru Tree with His Grace!
The Heart is such A Bonsai cum Kalptaru tree of Love -
Everything of The Universe Grows in
Here on this Tree!
© ashok"anubhav"