

"When is a Relationship Worth Fighting For?"
"When is a Relationship Worth Fighting For?"
By: De Ona Charamut

When is a relationship worth fighting for?
So many reasons where do I start
When you can't stand being just two feet away
That's when you know they might have your heart
When is a relationship worth fighting for?
When you think he's gone after an argument you done had
But he comes back to talk it out
Even though he's still pretty mad
Cause deep down he thinks you are worth it
And with each day he loves you more
That's why he thinks truly
That his relationship is worth fighting for
Sometimes you tend to say things
That should have never been said
There's times when you have to put yourself in check
And show him how much he means to you instead
To you he is the ONLY thing that matters
It's all about him and you
It's you guys against the world
Sticking together is how you'll make it through
You know the relationship is worth fighting for
Cause he's the ONLY one who's been there
Through thick and thin when times were bad
The only one around and the only one who cared
I said some things I can't take back
I didn't think he was going to even stay
I thought he was just gonna play head games
And so deep down I'm honestly afraid
For some reason I tend to think irrational
I'm always thinking he gonna leave
I need to stop thinking that way
And I need to stop and just breathe
Guys like him are hard to find
And I KNOW I have a good man
They don't make them like him anymore
Not at least in this lifespan
Our relationship IS worth fighting for
I hope he stays around to see
Cause he'll find that
He didn't ever really have to worry
I'm the type of person I believe in being faithful
And I know where my loyalty lies
There nothing I wouldn't do for him
And theres nothing I wouldn't sacrifice
I always wanted someone
Who would actually live life for me
Can someone point me in the direction
To get him to believe that I'm sorry?
I'm down on both of my knees
Begging for forgiveness
I'm so in love with him
Where there's no terms or conditions
I've learned in my life that
There are things I will and will not put up with
But I know in some aspects
You have to be willing to give
I can understand on ALOT of aspects
On where he is coming from
I don't want him to give up on me
And just be done
I guess I didn't fully grasp
That he only has me out here
Letting him down is
Honestly one of my biggest fears.
Finding someone who thought I was special
I would always pray for while being alone at night
I would always pray for things to get better
And for things to be alright
I think my prayer has been answered
It's in my hands where this goes
I wanna love him forever....
And a day I propose
So when is a relationship worth fighting for?
Above are some reasons to start
I can't stand being even two feet away
That's how I know you definitely have my heart

© De Ona Marie Charamut