

Online VS Offline Schooling...
Wake up at 6 am
Get ready for the school
Was the normal routine
For all of us the students and teachers.

But now, wake up at 7:55am
Get ready with the mobile
Has became the normal routine
For all of us nowadays.

That irritating alarm clocks
Or our mom or family members
Were the first good morning
And use to wake us up.

But now that irritating calls of friends
Or our WhatsApp messages
Has became our first good morning
And wakes us up every morning.

Running for bus, can or car
Then waiting for them to come
That seeing through the window
Was one of our morning work.

But now there's a run to join first
Then waiting for others to come
Checking all the WhatsApp messages
Is one of our morning work.

Reaching the school gate
Searching for a companion
To go together till class
Is not something that everyone do.

But now there's no school gate
No search for a companion as,
In the name of class, it's just google classroom
In something everyone is doing.

One table, ten tiffins still
Ten hands in one single tiffin
No matter you got your tiffin or not
Your friends will surely share it with you.

But now, one table and one plate
One hand in that one single plate
There's no tiffin box
And no friends for sharing.

Chalk, blackboard and duster
Our dear teachers and friends
We used to meet first in class
And used to study from them everyday.

But now the trend has changed
There's no chalk, no blackboard, no duster
Only teachers and friends but with a black or white screens.
Doing the studies and meeting virtually everyday.

From eight periods to five periods
From forty mins to one hour
From thirty mins lunch break to one hour
Mobile charging break
Is something I'm not liking it.

No more games period
No more library
No more free periods known as arrangements
That's all.

That last ring of the school
Packing of bags and getting ready to go
With our dear friends
And saying them goodbye with a hope
That we will meet again and study again
Together with our same dear teachers.

But now it's the last ting ting sound
Of the remaining one percent battery of our phones
There's no bags not dear friends
There's no goodbyes but still a hope
That we will meet again and study again
Together with our same dear teachers.

No matter what
Everything is going virtual in online schooling
But it's still the same
Because the school, teachers, students, books and studies
Still the same
There is a change in technique but still
The feel is the same
Online VS Offline Schooling...

Ig: khushiiii_prajapati

© Khushi Prajapati Aazad-e-kalam