

White Flowers


I saw Tremendous amount of White Flowers, Beside the Hidden Vallys
Of my Dream.

Are they White or Pale?
They said me it's White Flowers
But I Somehow felt they are Pale,
I took a step towards them as they
Shivered through the cold breeze.

I told them to be Brave
As I'm Acting like them
Like White and Alright but I'm Pale
Like those White Flowers.
People around me wants me Stronger
People around be thought I should be Brave,
To Avoid Belittling or Sympathy
As I grew like that,
Somewhere in my Heart
I can understand those White Flowers
Of my Dreams
Acting like they are Beautiful
But in real they were Scared like me
Oh White Flowers!
What I should do, in order to make you
Feel Safe inside my dreams?
It whispered "I'm lone, Visit me Often"
That's where I Recoiled, I've to
Visit Often to a place to make it
Familiar and Safe.

From that time to Now, I increased
My Visits than Decreasing to Avoid Paleness in my Heart.
