

Fight or Flight
I have found a power beyond belife.
After the years have past it was a sudden relief.

My eyes saw justice threw pain N strife .
I gave so much love offered all I had in life.

I was tormented drowned in blood of hate.
From a past that wasn't mine from the previous mate.

I took it I cried each and everyday.
I knew I was not ready but decided to stay.

Cause love grew for a soul deep and kind.
Something until now the truth I did find.

Tho a tiny peice of my heart has died.
I know I never cheated deceived or lied.

Every bit of the past was displayed with torment.
I take it as a cure cause that's what God has sent.

It's the sake of my youth that was at stake.
I thought God had blessed me with my devine soul mate?

I saw more than the universe endured.
One sided faite that God had cured.

A stepping stone made in a simple moment.
Something I appreciate N will never forget.

I have no more hate that's not in my soul.
Cause every step in my life has made me whole.

I wish blessings on every being.
4 U know not what you have seen....

Growth is strong my light is bright.
Alone I will stand strong N survive this fight.


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