

The Days I Don't See
The days I don't see you;
They do not trouble me, because my love is true.
The days I don't have a talk with you;
Gives me time to think of more things to ask about, to learn, and bind us more like glue.
The days I don't see you;
I still get up, embracing the joy I have of courting the lady I love, while I tie my shoes
The days I don't see you;
My heart does hurt a bit, not because of anything you or I did, but because this new growing love is true.
The days I don't see you;
I pray for your protection, for your heart to be guided by the Spirit, that blows like a wind, loyal and true.
The days I don't see you;
Makes my heart grow even fonder in truth, of you my love;
Knowing that within you there isn't any measure of " good enough;
For I will always be there for you, in highs, lows and even when life comes at us with a push and a shove.
The days I don't see you;
Helps me to see, that there is a reality of myself being loved by someone who is steadfastly true.
God bless you in the highest my love;
Til the next time, I see you.
© SoloHeart