

Whispers Beneath the Ashes
In shadows thick where whispered dreams decay,
I’ve found a bed of silence in despair,
The remnants of a love that once was bright,
Now bruised beneath the weight of midnight’s breath.

A deer lies cold beside the lonely road,
Its beauty marred by time’s relentless hand,
And here I lay among the lifeless bones,
Consuming grief as if it were my own.

The aching pulse of sorrow pricks my skin,
An itch unbidden begging to be scratched.
Each scarlet thread unwinds with every thought— A tapestry of moments stained with loss.

The man I loved rests buried in my mind,
His laughter tangled deep within the roots;
Yet soil flecked with memories bears no fruit,
And heaven's gates now look the other way.

In gardens grown from whispers of regret,
I roam among the flowers forged from pain.
My heart a hollow vessel cast adrift,
Where echoes linger long after goodbyes.

To take a drive upon this faded road,
With sharp turns beckoning like siren calls—
Each corner framed with specters of the past,
And life entwined with those I paid to leave.

Yet still they haunt me sweetly in my dreams—
“Stay strong,” they say, “for heaven waits for you.”
But who am I but dust beneath their weight?
A soul wrapped tight in burden’s bloody shroud.

Thus here amidst decay I carve my path;
With open windows breathing in the night,
Together lost beneath an endless sky—
If only love could bleed and give me sight.

© matthewwwebster