

Depression-Silent killer
In the depths of darkness, where shadows reside,
Lies a silent killer, where hope subsides.
Depression, the demon that haunts the mind,
Leaving no trace, no warning signs.

It creeps in slowly, like a thief in the night,
Stealing joy and replacing it with endless fright.
A heavy weight upon the soul it lays,
Suffocating happiness, in its own wicked ways.

A smile may hide the pain that lies within,
But the heart screams silently, drowning in sin.
Each day becomes a battle, a war to fight,
Against the darkness that consumes the light.

The world seems distant, colors fade away,
Leaving behind a monochrome display.
Laughter becomes a distant memory,
As sadness engulfs, like a raging sea.

Friends and family, they try to understand,
But the depths of despair are hard to withstand.
Words of comfort fall on deaf ears,
As the mind is clouded by irrational fears.

The days blend together, a never-ending haze,
Lost in a labyrinth, trapped in a maze.
The world moves on, but time stands still,
In the grip of depression, against one's will.

But there is hope, a flicker in the night,
A glimmer of strength, a chance to ignite.
Reach out for help, don't suffer alone,
For in unity, the darkness can be overthrown.

Depression, the silent killer, can be defeated,
With love and support, it can be retreated.
Hold on to hope, for it will guide the way,
To a brighter tomorrow, a brand-new day.
#depression #mentaldisorder #mentalhealth #knowledge #psychology #psychiatry #psychoterapy #silentkiller