

Goodmorning Sun

Filtering rays of sunshine,
Brighten up my day,
My heart swells with hope and pride,
Keen for the glories coming my way...
that is what I look for everyday
full of warmth, full of hope - the rising sun's rays
in the early sunrise morning
with all the leaves, the animals, the birds smiling and yawning
feeling those rays of sun on your face
allowing them to leave of happiness little and cute trace
I sip my cup of tea
taking some time for the office to make me melt and flee
finding some moments to silently smile, feel the glee
to give a look to the nearby tree
to set the freshness of my mind free
I say a good morning to the sun
thanking the lord for keeping me alive and give some moments of fun
to allow me and my fate to take a enlightened turn
to meditate and heal the widespread burns

© Shanid