

A teacher.
What is life without instructions
what is life without proper mentorship
no man is born perfect
like a still pond whose turbulence cannot be determined
so is a man who lacks instructions
his potentials hidden in his ignorance
gradually fading away in vanity.

Like a stone thrown into a still pond
so is a teacher in the life of a man
dispelling ignorance
bringing information
and finally harnessing the dormant gem.
with a heart as gold
an unwavering desire to impact
the teacher toils, with intentions to create only the best version of their student.

teachers are golden
a strong driving force
their strength like no other
their resilience immeasurable
the power of their impact as strong as the ripple effect of a stone thrown into a still pond
creating ripples of great impact
circling the world with bright hope.

Honor a teacher
hearken unto his instructions
make room to learn from one
so is ignorance dealt with and knowledge acquire.

© Greyce