

Last Dance
No one ever said it's gonna be easy
but I think you thought it's going to be.
Shaking, crying, fighting this thoughts
Praying to God that they were never in my head.
If they only could just disappear.
Drinking, smoking, blood drops falling
They won't believe me how broken I am
or how shattered my soul is.

I hate dancing, I really do
But I'd do anything to dance with you this last time.
Slowly sway to the beat of the music in your arms.

You liked me back then, when I was a girl
I haven't changed since then.
Well... Maybe I did. I'm not a girl.
Not anymore.
But I wish I was her for a little longer.
Maybe not exactly "her",
I wish I could be yours again.

#trans #transgender #breakup #mlm #wlw #a_lynwood #lastdance