

Kaleidoscope of stories

In the depths of my soul, uncharted and vast,
A concept emerges, gripping me fast.
Identity, elusive, a puzzle to dissect,
Shaped by experience, culture, and societal prospect.

Across the winding paths of my life’s terrain,
I seek the essence that will forever remain,
A reflection of my spirit, unique and true,
A testament to the stories that have shaped me, too.

For identity is not a stagnant state,
But a river that flows, destined to create,
A tapestry woven with threads of desire,
Crafted by moments that set my heart on fire.

In the cradle of my youth, innocence ablaze,
The world, a blank canvas, open to endless plays,
I danced with every color, ignorant of division,
No shackles confined me; freedom was my mission.

Yet as I grew, life’s tapestry took hold,
Culture’s whispers encased, stories yet untold,
Boundaries erected to conform to the norm,
Shaping my identity in an expected form.

The echoes of ancestors, engraved in my bones,
Tales of ancient lands, the seeds they have sown,
Their struggles and triumphs, a heritage I bear,
Molding my identity as I become aware.

In the embrace of family, I found love’s embrace,
Their voices, like melodies, tenderly interlace,
Their wisdom, like beacons, guiding me through,
Anchoring my identity, steadfast and true.

But society's chorus played a different song,
Expectations, a weight that I tried to prolong,
A blueprint laid out before me to follow,
Whispering, dictating, the path to tomorrow.

A voice within tugged, yearning to be free,
To break these chains and let my spirit see,
That identity's essence lies in authentic light,
Not in the shadows cast by societal night.

Yet breaking free, unraveling the chains,
Is no easy task as doubt remains,
Will my identity hold, or will it crumble and fall,
Lost in the mazes of expectations, towering tall?

In the crucible of struggle, seeds planted deep,
Experience etches patterns, secrets that it keeps,
Each hardship and triumph, a stroke of design,
Mapping my identity, a work so divine.

With each scar on my heart, I've grown resolute,
Realizing that my identity isn't absolute,
For it's a fluid creation, forever changing its form,
As I navigate the currents, weathering each storm.

And so, I embrace the tapestry I weave,
A symphony of experiences, on which I believe,
My identity, a culmination of love, loss, and grace,
Shaped by personal experience, culture, and social embrace.

For within the depths of my soul's wilderness,
I find the truth that my heart can confess,
Identity is not confined to a singular thread,
But a kaleidoscope of stories, forever being read.

#ShapingIdentities #deep_widin #deepz_talk
#writco #writcopoem

© deep_widin