

In Shadows of Empathy
In shadows cast by life's heavy toll,
There's a girl, dear friend, with a weary soul.
Through the whispers of her troubled heart,
I stand beside her, never to depart.

In our office's bustling, busy strife,
Her troubles linger, dimming her light.
But know, dear girl, I see your pain,
And in empathy's embrace, we shall remain.

When sorrow paints your days in gray,
My heart reflects, a somber display.
For your tears weigh heavy upon my own,
A symphony of compassion, ever sown.

Though words may falter, and silence may grow,
Know this truth, dear friend, and let it show:
I am here, a steadfast presence near,
To hold your hand through every fear.

Your struggles touch my spirit deep,
Each battle fought, my heart does keep.
Your burdens, shared, they become light,
As we journey through this endless night.

Let my concern be a beacon's glow,
Guiding you through storms that may blow.
For when you stumble, when you feel weak,
Together, dear girl, we shall reach our peak.

Through heartfelt words and tender care,
I aim to mend the wounds you bear.
In your happiness, I find my own,
For our souls, intertwined, have truly grown.

So, take this poem as a gentle plea,
To know that your pain deeply affects me.
May its verses echo through your soul,
And remind you, dear friend, you're not alone.

© Imaginoid