

Well, you are, hello! Colt 45.
Is it me? Was there no service that guided me or servants who knocked on my door? Isn't there a God who seeks my glory or a king who defends a faded story? With a false sexist proclamation of sensuality; oh brother, where are you? The world is sinful, but are your burdens for the moment yours to maintain? The Tigers associate themselves with the wall of deception and free themselves! Against my creed, in a few years, I will have a reflected audience from my source! It takes me a long time to suffer a trip down the path of ice bricks; epiphanies Religious idols are still in their line of assembly. The ebony text of Jehovah lives in mind! For this, the first time, I'm feeding a beast that takes advantage of my sense! Ghosts In my sunny afternoon and the assignment of the Holy Scriptures diminished souls; My lord, what provides me the merchandise of the divine comedy series; Who owns my mentality; The possession of the righteous demonic angels of the Christian banker; Who is in my sanity; Mother lover of ghosts; Who is in mine; My dead brother; My I'm angry, you're painfully looking for spiritual ecstasy. The soul? The soul of the...