

The 3 A.M. Moment
The Power of 3
Compels you to me

The time is now, in the darkest hour of night
Not a glimmer or shimmer
Is allowed
During this momentuous moment of twilight.
The shadows hang with gloom, trapped inside the room.
When there, here, everywhere, I hear a tapping and a scratching and a clicking and a ticking.
I lay still,
I sound as I breathe.

I stay still as a cat, scared in my mind way in the back,
The clacking and the tacking stops as sudden as it began,
(like a fatal attack)
For in this room, the Moon beams came, shining through the window, pale blue light sharing justice to the insane and ravenous and tormented souls,
Full of woe, they are cast into the corners,
Away from me, for I am beside the window.
The Light is light, and like a feather, floats on by.
Still, I am still,
As a freezing fear gags my hope,
I try to cry out,
But I cannot.
I try to scream,
But with panic I am frought...
The pair of teeth,
I seek to speak through,
To try to break through
And save my Soul.
I cannot rebuke, the demonic Moods,
The feelings of hate, anguish, despair,
Translucent, for it is see-through, but still here.
The pressures come, like a rage from glaring eyes,
I cannot see it, but I feel it, the entity that is my demise.
The shadows reach out, with 2 pairs of arms, I see the being come out of it, like it is a nightmare stretching outwards, trying to get me to bring me inside the Realm it calls its Hell.
Thoughts start to race, my heart is now accelerating in pace, I start to pray, out loud jumbled and nonsensical,
There comes a light, The Moon beams come again, but The Light shines from the ceiling, my voice is shrilling, my body is lifting...

And I am at peace now,
In a bedroom, in a white room.
With glass windows showing the oceanside,
A beautiful blue ocean, sky-colored in hue.
The waters glow, with a sky of rainbows dancing and bouncing all over the top of the surface of the ocean and my home. Refracting God's smile in my reflection.
Though jumbled and a mess, the prayer reached God and all of Heaven, they sent a Chariot of Light.
And I was saved on that very night.

Thank you God, God, and God.
And Heavens.
You saved me from a night time dilemna of dastardly demons.

The Power of the Holy Trinity,
I compel Jesus to be,
My Saviour and Creator.

© Karen R. Hickey