

The Fever
Burning in the flames,
The flames of my own desire.
Captured by Demons,
Whom are an unrelenting choir,
Telling me something,
Only to make me feel nothing...
As I burn in the Fiery Deathbed of my anguish.
They weep and gnash, at their long-forged sinful disdain on my life and all life.
They beg me to succumb,
As my body lays dying and numb
To Hell, to be with them, to deny being chosen to go to Heaven.
As I listen to whispers and screaming,
Speaking of death to me and why I should be going.
An Angel of Light,
Halos first, then wings, before a face and soulful love appearing in my heart,
Not my Mind's Eye.
He grasped my hand and the flaming fever cooled.
He took me in his embrace and carried me away,
To a place no one is forgotten,
To a place I always prayed to be,
With Jesus, my Brother......


© Karen R. Hickey