

Weary but Unbroken
I am tired of the pain,
Tired of the guilt,
Tired of the disappointment,
Tired of the betrayal,
Tired of being accused of things I am innocent of,
Tired of crying,
Tired of being hurt,
Tired of repeating the same mistakes over and over.

They say mistakes teach us lessons,
But my mistakes crush and burn me,
They hurt me deeply,
I wake up with a heavy heart,
And go to bed with an even heavier one.

Each day is a struggle,
A battle within my soul,
I am weary of the fight,
The endless, relentless toll.

I seek peace but find none,
Only shadows of despair,
I long for understanding,
But find emptiness everywhere.

The weight of accusations,
The sting of every lie,
I carry these burdens silently,
Too exhausted to even cry.

Hope feels like a distant dream,
A whisper in the night,
I am searching for some solace,
A glimmer of the light.

But through this darkness, I must tread,
For somewhere, there's a way,
To mend the broken pieces,
And face a brighter day.

I am tired of the pain,
But I will rise again,
For even in this heartache,
There is strength to gain.

Step by step, I'll find my path,
Through sorrow and through strife,
And in the end, I'll heal these wounds,
And reclaim my life.
© marionbonareri
#poem #poems #poet #writco #writer