

For Everyone but Me
For everyone but me
I put on a fake smile
Because I can’t to see my loved ones crying
Hoping one day I’ll be ok

I tell everyone I’m fine
But I’m condemned
Nobody gives a damn about me
But I don’t cry

This hearts been shattered a million times
So if you plan on leaving
Don’t come at all
I’m condemned

Don’t look me in the eyes
For if you do you’ll either cry or fall
And no one’s around at the end of it all
You can tell me you love me till you turn blue

People come to watch you fall
Yet they say not all
I’ve learned they like the story in my hurt
But not to help it

Don’t try to make it my fault
There’s no glory in the fall
So if you don’t plan on staying
Don’t show up at all

The people that we lose
The battles that we choose
We all pick our poison
And in the end I’ve tried it all

Maybe soon it’ll let me taste
The sweet tender kiss of the heavens
Let me go
Don’t bring me back

This time I leave I won’t be coming back
But I’ll be watching over those I truly love
Guiding them on their way
As they walk through the minefield of life

Maybe once I’m gone
They’ll listen to the advice I’ve given
And learn that life isn’t easy
But stay strong

Just because I’m gone
Doesn’t mean there’s no hope
Just hold the wisdom I’ve shared
Close to the heart

Even for those who broke mine down
They still had mine
And always had my prayers over them
Hoping that maybe they’ll learn
It wasn’t worth it in the end

For life is short
It’s not worth wasting
Fight for your heart
And shield it safe
It’s a war of the heart in this dark
© AdendeanG