

unrequited love

After all what I did for love
This day I feel betrayed
By a Lassie whom I beliefed was a true-blue
After enduring the fierce family feuds
My strong desire to be with her think was the reason
After battling with multifarious men to the core
To make sure we sway undisturbed
After deciding on her without incertitude
Despite receiving billets-doux from dissimilar women
After cheerfully singing for her exciting love songs
Undeniably wanting her to be on cloud nine
After all the promises I kept alive
Not to two-time her and dishearten her
After all the miles I travelled in the recent years
In order that we reap the benefits of our togetherness
After all the nights that we had hilarious colloquy
Making her thrilled even when she was dejected
After all the memories I strongly built with her
That can never fizzle out of my mind
After all the honeyed sweet -nothings I dispatched
so that she enjoys love with great enthusiasm
After feeding the love with plenty of time
Round the clock without a stop
After insulating love from jeopardy and risks
So that it grows effectively and powerfully
After all today I am lonely
with my past memories mercilessly eating me
Today I am ailing with no hope of healing
For I know the one physician is missing
© zeyd_eart