

we are men ,we must fight for our country
we are the heroes of the world
we are the seeds of the world ,because without us the world will suffer

The power we have shows that we are men
The energy we have shows that we are heroes
The vocabulary to think about plans make us look like real heroes,because real men fight

Other people say that we are the stones of the world ,because we don't cause a disturbance in their lives
we only throw our strengths in their countries, to fight for them
we only show humanity to our country by wanting to defeat the terrorists
we don't scare because we are men

we love
we care
we cry

The love we have is the one that is stable to make us strong
The care we have make us to differentiate between humanity and hatred
The tears that we have are inside our bodies ,we cannot show them, because real men don't show their true colours although deeply they know the truth.